Residential and Cultural District
at the Riverside of Svitava

"Beautiful loft spaces with green roof and lively community..."

About Project

Long-term plan for the use of a four-story industrial building on the Svitava river bank envisions the creation of a cultural, social as well as residential center.

From architectural point of view the building will not undergo major modifications. Our goal is to maximize utilization and emphasize the existing - industrial character of the building space. The main change will come in creating a rooftop garden that will serve to connect and inspire like-minded people living in the building as well as open-minded visitors. Otherwise, the original aesthetics of the entire building will be preserved.

The four stories of former productions halls will be divided and converted into events & exhibition space, apartments & studios, ateliers, bistro, café, and in due time a two story garden with a bar & patio on the roof.



Sekaninova 3 Brno

The latest studies and initiatives of the city architects show revitalization of the Svitava riverbank. In 4-5 years time Husovice will become a synonym for leisure time & culture and a sought after destination for living in a close proximity to the city center while surrounded by peaceful greenery and river.

Spaces Pre-Sale

Real estate market in Brno Brno has long been struggling with a lack of available capacities. New development project is planned at the grounds of the former Zbrojovka factories. However, with 22 hectares of warehouses and major redevelopment, the completion of the project is not expected before 2025. As opposed to futuristic glass & steel renovations, DADA project endorses the preservation of the industrial character of the building with minimal modifications and therefore counts for an early opening (7/2019)

Apartments / lofts with 80 – 120 m2 of living space Floors will be divided into large apartments to embrace tall ceilings, open space and natural lightning. Space will be renovated for new owners with new heating, electricity & plumbings, with rough and natural exposure of steel & concrete. Interior is left for owners to complete to their liking.

Favorable price of 50 000 - 55 000 Kč/m2 (VAT included/s DPH) Even though the price is set lower than current average for new appartments in Brno (71 000 Kč/m2), we would like to engage the right people, like-minded individuals and those who will benefit our community .


Floor 1



for rent, 93m2


for rent, 27m2


for rent, 68m2


for rent, 47m2

contact us for more information at
+420 721 826 905

Green Roof

We love the idea of environmentally friendly rooftops and what a great place of social life and gatherings it can be. It won't be another "green roof" with creepers and generic plants. Imagine your own vegetable production available throughout the whole year.

In 2 – 3 years – we are planning for a fully grown garden with a mini-bar, patio and green house.

Gray & White water

In DADA distrikt, we tried to apply as many sustainable solutions as possible in order to 'connect residents to light, air, food, nature, and community'. Our building collects all its grey water, treats it with a bio-filtration and plumbs it back to the house to be used for flushing toilets as well as sub-surface irrigation in the rooftop garden.

Our roof as well as remaining area of the property catches 100% of rainwater which is also pumped onto the roof for a surface irrigation, thus creating a closed-loop water system.

Rooftop garden offers production as well as leisure areas. We also intend to keep it open for educational excursions, courses and other events.
